Clo's Eating Distress Website


Hi! Welcome to my website!

 Just want to let everybody know my good news... I gave birth to a healthy baby boy on Wed 29th June 2005.  He weighed 8lbs.


If you cannot get to it by clicking on the link below, just go to:

This is my first ever website so please bear with me as I TRY to update it and modify it!

This website is dedicated to the memory of Linda Whelan
(1980 - 1995)

Let me introduce myself...

Hi! My name is Clo and I've decided to create this website in the hope of helping or inspiring other people suffering from an Eating Disorder.

I am 28 years old and have suffered from an Eating Disorder for the last 13 years or so. NOT fun! At the moment I am in recovery, or should I say in a proper recovery programme, for the last two years. It's not easy but I'm beginning to see that it is worth it. In this website I am not going to mention weights, sizes, calories or show photos of containing emaciated images as I believe these are counter-productive and may trigger vulnerable people. I know that this may not impress many sufferers - it wasn't long ago that I used to log on to Eating Disorder websites just so I could be triggered by photos and numbers - but believe me, you'll thank me in the end!

My goal in life is to become a counsellor and help other people suffering from this awful illness. At the moment I am helping out in an Eating Disorders Centre in Dublin and enjoying it a lot. If I can help even one person in my lifetime I will die a very happy human being.

Briefly, what is an Eating Disorder?

An Eating Disorder, contrary to popular belief, is NOT about food or weight, they are only the symptoms of an underlying problem. They are only a small part of the bigger picture and are, unfortunately, the last parts in recovery to go.

The main problem with a sufferer of an Eating Disorder, is the intense negativity they feel about themselves and the world. At the early stages of recovery the suffer is not even aware of how negative they are - it is only as they begin to recover that they realise just how bad these feelings are.

In medical books, you will see that Eating Disorders are usually divided up into Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia and Compulsive Overeating. I prefer not to divide them as these labels are only the way the person behaves and not the actual illness. When I was called Anorexic, I found it easier to act this way. When I was called Clo who is fighting her Eating Disorder/Condition, then I found it easier to do just that. Power of the mind and all that...!

That's all I'll say on this subject for now. You will find more information inside.

Counter reset Thurs 15th March, 2001

If you want to contact me, please feel free to email me. I would welcome any suggestions you have for my website as I am relatively new at this.
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